Other Services

Investigation of all types of insurance claims with examination and verification of the documents.

  • Life Insurance Claim Investigation
  • Investigation of Medical-Claims&T.P.
  • Accident Claims Investigation
  • Property Claim Investigation
  • Travel Insurance Claim Investigation
  • Bank and Corporate Scam Investigation
  • General Insurance Investigations
  • Tracing Witnesses and obtaining Statement
  • Assisting Lawyers
  • Legal and Insurance Support Services
  • Insurance Surveillance Services
Medicolegal Consultancy of different cases like, rape, murder, sexual assault, different types of injuries ,anti-mortem and post-mortem death by the post mortem reports, histo-pathological and histo-chemical reports, diagnostic reports, inquest reports, medical history and hospital records etc.
Assisting the advocate in the preparation for cross examination of forensic reports like Cross Examination of handwriting report , fingerprint report, DNA test report, Ballistics(Firearm) report Blood and semen (sexual assault) report, voice examination report etc.
The examination and verification of the various documents at the time of the counselling of the candidates including the Certificate, handwriting, fingerprint, signature, photograph etc.
Examination and identification of adulteration in milk, vegetable oils and ghee, butter, tomato sauces, food grains and flour, ice cream, spices, honey, tea leaves, Coffee powder, Sweets (especially in Diwali) etc.